Myers, etc.

We have so much going on in our lives, I wanted a place to talk about it. David, me, the kids (3 nieces, 2 nephews now!), the dog, the cat, etc. :) No one else will probably find this as entertaining as I myself will, but that's ok, this is more for me anyway.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Brodie's road to fame... nephew Brodie is on a true roller coaster ride. Brodie is 8 and lives in Stillwater. He and his dad (my brother in law) LOVE OSU, especially OSU sports. They go, basketball, baseball, soccer, any and all. Brodie wants to be a sportscaster for OSU! He even calls imaginary games at home using his karoake machine. (I've seen him in action!) Recently he was entered into a contest for the Today Show Kid Reporter. He was chosen to go to NY and compete as one of 16 national semi-finalists. He made it into the Finals round, which will air on Monday, November 9th. He has met celebrities (Suzanne Sommers, Marcia Gay Harden and T. Boone Pickens!), he has led pep rallies, been on TV, radio, in the news. It's been such a crazy month. We are all so very impressed and proud of him, and even if he doesn't win, his life has definitely turned a corner. Love you Bro, and good luck next week!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Things change, yet stay the same...

I find myself reconnecting with people I probably haven't talked to in 10 or 20 years. The time of my 20 year high school reunion is approaching (dang I'm old), and as I get involved in the planning phases, I am often asked, So how's it going? (or some variation of...). How do you sum up 10 or even 20 years, especially to someone you haven't spoken to since you were basically a child? I lived, I loved, etc etc etc. I mean, I get it, people are curious - I know I am - but really, how DO you answer it?
I'm married, I have no children, I work in finance, I go to Pilates a couple times a week, I have a dog that I'm starting to fear will soon be big enough to EAT me... Really, when someone asks you "What have you been up to?", what do they really want to hear?

Well, I like to go on vacation with my friends. I've been to Hawaii 3 times, Mexico 4, and a few other places here and there. I got a new dog in September who scares me sometimes. :) We have been taking him to obedience classes in the hopes that he will not eat the couch when I'm not looking. I have been at my current job for just over two years, and constantly wonder if it's time to move on, if only to try and make more money. Do I really NEED more money? WANT, of course, NEED, who knows... I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews. My sister's kids live here, close to me, and they are probably the one reason I MIGHT need more money, as I spoil them rotten every chance I get. My niece is now 12, almost 13, going to Foster, the same middle school I did. And she is starting to turn into a nightmare, as most, if not all, girls do at that age. I find myself saying things to her that my mother said to me, then cringing as the words come out. But I guess that's part of growing up. I recently joined Facebook. Sometimes I think I'm too old for that kind of stuff; other times I realize that everyone I talk to on there IS my age, so I just need to get over it and acknowledge that I do it b/c I'm curious about how other people live. (Isn't that why reality TV is so popular??). Recently someone "tagged" me with a list...25 Random things. I did it, but haven't gotten around to posting it on FB. Thought I would post it here, just in case someone was bored enough to want to read it.
I'm also posting some random pictures. Thought it was time to put up some new ones. Well, I guess that's it for now, hope if you are reading this you haven't fallen asleep at the wheel.

25 Random Things
1. I usually respond to these idiotic things right away, b/c I am the nosiest person alive, and love to read about OTHER people's stuff. (I just haven't had time to get on computer!)
2. I have no kids, just a cat, a dog and a husband at home. (And that is just about the order I greet them when I come in!)
3. I have a degree in Accounting, and am working as a Financial Analyst right now. (Really, most days, I feel like all I do is regurgitate already available information, and make it prettier)
4. My husband is also in accounting, and makes a HECK of a lot more money than me. :)
5. I work a part time job at a drugstore. Been working there for 8 years now. I started there when I was in between "real" jobs in December 2000. Got a job in January 2001, but stayed on part time at the drugstore...and haven't left. Not sure what's wrong with me...
6. I've been to Hawaii 3 times, Mexico 4. I love the beach.
7. Have known my best friend Tracey since junior high (FOSTER TROJANS!), been close since our senior year in high school. Probably see her more than the husband (Sorry hon!).
8. I have a great group of girlfriends that date back to freshman year in college that I still stay in touch with (you know who you are). Don't know what I would do w/o them.
9. I color my hair religiously b/c I hate to see the grey/silver popping up and reminding me I'm not 20-something any more.
10. I am a bleeding heart liberal. Yes, I know, I am probably in the minority at my age, but there it is. (I believe it was Winston Churchill who said "Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me and old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.") Since I know I have brains, I guess that means I'm still young (at least at heart).
11. I went to Oklahoma Baptist University right after high school. Wasn't much for studying or doing homework, so after 3 semesters, I came home. Went to TJC for another 3 semesters, then off to OSU. Finally got my act in gear, and graduated OSU with a BS in Accounting. GO POKES!12. Been married to the same guy for 15 years. Anyone who doesn't know, I met my husband on Spring Break in Padre, my senior year. I had the choice of going to Florida with my church group or Padre with my wild friends from school. Had just broke up with my boyfriend, who WENT to that church and didn't feel like being there with him but not WITH him. So I went to Padre, acted like a fool, and ended up with a lifelong souvenier. Guess I made the right choice after all...he's a keeper.
13. I have one tattoo. It's a plumeria flower, on my ankle, and I got it my first trip to Hawaii in 1999. I had wanted a tattoo forever, and our hotel was on the same street as this tattoo parlor, we walked past it many times before I finally said to Tracey and Laura that I was going in. That was our last day, and we all flew home with bandages and brand new ink!
14. I recently had Lasik eye surgery (back in November). The first week I was ecstatic. The next month or so were a little difficult, lots of dry eyes. Now it's been almost 3 months and I'm really glad I did it.
15. I have one sister, Tamera, who is 7 years younger than me.
16. Both my sister and I were adopted at birth. She found her birthparents about 5-6 years ago. B-dad is great, he and his family are like an extended part of our family now. B-mom is a little weird, she doesn't really talk to her. I haven't found mine...haven't even really tried. Anyone out there a P.I. and feel like helping me out??
17. I have 2 nieces and 1 nephew by my sister, and 1 of each from David's brother. Sam, Gaige, Ryann, Brodie and Carmen.
18. I used to have a dog and cat named Alice and Cooper. Husband thought the names were just hilarious. :)
19. I love to read. Right now I am into anything "otherworldly". I like to read about vampires, werewolves, witches and ghosts. Yes, I read the Twilight series, even before it was "cool". (Haven't yet seen the movie though). It was pretty good, but the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris is better, IMO.
20. I have so many shows recorded on my DVR that it is almost too full to record more. I THINK I have to see all these new shows, so I record them, but then never have time to sit down and watch them. I literally have the entire last season of Entourage and Heroes taking up space right now. At some point I have to watch or give it up...
21. I confess, I watched the seasons 1 and 2 of Bret Michael's Rock of Love on VH1, and have started watching the 3rd one. It is the biggest train wreck, from which I just can't look away.
22. I sometimes feel like I have multiple personalities. At work I go by Carolyn, but my friends and family call me Sue. It's very strange when the two worlds collide; I never know what to answer to!
23. I have an irrational fear of the dark. I don't even like to be in a car driving down a dark road. Freaks me out!24. I fall down a lot. A LOT. Those of you who know this about me just fell down themselves LAUGHING. It's ok, I know it's true.
25. I am a big procrastinator but thrive on pressure. I will put something off until the last minute, then kill myself to get it done. But I ALWAYS get it done. One of these days I'll learn to plan better...or not.
And now the random photos:

<--Jackson last month when it snowed. He didn't appreciate it so much.

My OSU mutt---->

Vegas in January with the hubby--->

Halloween 08 - My niece Sam (aka Wednesday Adams)
and her best friend Raegan (Goth Ann)--->

Monday, September 29, 2008

Just some kid stuff

I realized the pictures I had up of Brodie and Carmen were really old, so I wanted to post some newer ones. Brodie started 2nd grade this year, and here is a picture of him on the first day of school.

Carmen wants to go to school too. She would love to be with Bro all day!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Coldhearted, softhearted or just plain crazy??

Am I coldhearted b/c I didn't wait longer? Am I softhearted to have brought them home, or am I just crazy??

Call me crazy I guess. David and I went to Woofstock over the weekend.
This is an event that brings together different animal rescue organizations from Tulsa and surrounding areas to raise awareness for animal shelters, and to promote adoption. We decided to just go and see...yeah, right. We are now the proud "parents" of Jackson and Molly. Jackson is a 16 week old boxer/lab mix. Molly is a 17 week old kitten, short hair.

I was just feeling so lonely w/o Alice and Cooper, and thought that rescuing these animals would help with that. I have to say the cat is awesome. She is so sweet, loving, cuddly. She follows us around and sleeps with us. She is great. Now Jackson on the other hand... It's like having a toddler that has just learned to walk. You have to watch him at all times! But he is so smart, and funny, and EXTREMELY energetic. It's wearing me out, but once he adjusts to us I think he's going to be great. He is still in that puppy stage, but he learns so fast. We have already enrolled in Puppy Kindergarten, which starts at the end of the month. I'm hoping to learn a few tricks, to help him and us! Anyway, I'll post pictures at the bottom of this post.

I miss my Alice though. She was just such a sweet little thing. Then Cooper was the rebel. I guess with this new pair I got a switch in personalities between species. :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Slideshow for Mexico vacation Aug-08

We took a vacation to Playa Del Carmen in Mexico this month (Aug-08). We went with two other couples. Tracey and West, who live in Tulsa as we do, and Rhonda and Lance, from MN. Tracey and I met Rhonda our freshman year of college at OBU. Rhonda met Lance at our wedding; Lance had been friends with David since high school.

Tragedies in our household...

at least it feels like a tragedy to me right now. I'm sure other people in the world will think I'm being petty, or overly sensitive, but I can't help but feel very sad, and lonely and depressed. My beautiful King of the Backyard jungle cat, Cooper, died last week (Aug 20, 2008). We got home from vacation Wednesday night and found him dead under our bed. My MIL had been house sitting that week, and said he was alive when she left the house Wednesday morning. He has had bladder issues for a couple years, so my guess is he was having difficulty and developed an infection that killed him, or it was kidney failure. Either way, it was more devastating to me than I thought it would be. I loved that stupid cat. He would sit on my lap and purr, would sleep at my feet at night, and follow me around the house in the mornings while I got ready for work. It just sucks, and I want to cry right now while I write about it.

And that's not all...Oh no, it wasn't enough that I lost my baby boy. My precious weiner dog Alice, is at the vet right now and we may have to put her down this weekend. She ruptured a disk in her back and it has caused paralysis in her back end. She has been on complete confinement at the vet, on medication, but the prognosis is not good. She is such a young, active dog that paralysis would just not be any quality of life for her. So when I check on her this weekend, which will be a week of crate rest, we may have to make a decision about her depending on what the doctor says. I just can't stand it. I never realized how much this would affect me...the house is so quiet and lonely.
FOLLOW UP - I am so tired of crying. I have cried for 3 days now. They couldn't help Alice. She was permanently paralyzed due to disk rupture. The vet tried several things, but basically it came down to the only option for her was a doggie wheelchair. And to me that just isn't an option, esp for an active dog like her. So we had to make the completely devastating decision to put her down. Its just horrible how bad I feel, and how hollow. It's not fair and right now I'm pissed at the world over it.

Here are some pictures I took of Cooper the night before we left for vacation.

And some more pix of Alice:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Just pictures...

Ryann, last fall, having some trouble...

Gaige, having no trouble at all... :)

Sam at Halloween, doing her best Avril impression.