Call me crazy I guess. David and I went to Woofstock over the weekend.
This is an event that brings together different animal rescue organizations from Tulsa and surrounding areas to raise awareness for animal shelters, and to promote adoption. We decided to just go and see...yeah, right. We are now the proud "parents" of Jackson and Molly. Jackson is a 16 week old boxer/lab mix. Molly is a 17 week old kitten, short hair.
I was just feeling so lonely w/o Alice and Cooper, and thought that rescuing these animals would help with that. I have to say the cat is awesome. She is so sweet, loving, cuddly. She follows us around and sleeps with us. She is great. Now Jackson on the other hand... It's like having a toddler that has just learned to walk. You have to watch him at all times! But he is so smart, and funny, and EXTREMELY energetic. It's wearing me out, but once he adjusts to us I think he's going to be great. He is still in that puppy stage, but he learns so fast. We have already enrolled in Puppy Kindergarten, which starts at the end of the month. I'm hoping to learn a few tricks, to help him and us! Anyway, I'll post pictures at the bottom of this post.
I miss my Alice though. She was just such a sweet little thing. Then Cooper was the rebel. I guess with this new pair I got a switch in personalities between species. :)