Nope, no kids of our own, but we do have the animals. I love to take pictures of the cat and dog, and of course they love it too. (NOT!) We got the cat right after moving into our house 2003. I thought it was a girl (didn't really want to look too close), so I named "it" Daisy. The first time I took the cat to the vet, the vet told me that Daisy might not be a good fit. Yep, the cat had balls.
So I looked at some names in a book the vet gave me, and picked Cooper. Sounded cute, seemed to fit him. A year later, we got a dog. It's a weenie dog, black and white, very odd coloring. We tossed around names, and I jokingly suggested Alice.
David thought it was funny, and it stuck. So now when I let the animals out back, I find myself yelling "Alice, Cooper" to get them back inside.